
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac: A Symptom, Not a Disease

Are you ready for the Financial Crisis that is looming? Get your financial ducks in a row. Start receiving more cash

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rogue Agency Arrests Stay-at-Home Utah Mom

FCD Alpine News
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PRESS RELEASEContact: info@freecapitalist.com
Phone: 801-369-3806
September 8, 2008
Rogue Agency Arrests Stay-at-Home Utah Mom ALPINE, UT
| September 8, 2008 |

Imagine you’re Annie Bradley, a married stay-at-home mother of eight. Two weeks before your 43rd birthday, its 9:00 pm and you’re sitting down with your husband and two house guests discussing a very difficult topic—the sale of your home. Uncharacteristically, your seventeen year-old daughter interrupts the discussion with a stunned look on her face, informing you that police and federal agents are surrounding your house.

An armed Sheriff’s deputy has followed closely behind her and now stands before you asking, “Are you Anna L. Bradley?”The scene in the Bradley’s neighborhood Tuesday was much like something you might expect to see on the big screen, or read about in one of those hard to believe mystery novels. But for Annie, her husband Randy and their eight children, it was a very real nightmare.“I begged them not to take her,” explains her husband. He couldn’t understand why law enforcement was at his house in the middle of the night, demanding $10,000 cash for bail, or they were going to be taking his wife.

At 9 o’ clock in the evening, when banks and businesses are closed, it’s close to impossible for an average family to come up with that kind of cash.So, at approximately 9:41 pm, after local agents from the Utah County Sheriff’s office, accompanied by at least two federal agents, had surreptitiously surrounded the family’s home and afterwards made quite a scene for the neighborhood, law enforcement agents placed Annie Bradley under arrest, handcuffed her, and led her the long way across the front lawn, in front of inquiring neighbors, stunned house guests, her confused and bewildered husband, and perhaps most difficult, in front of her sobbing children.When asked why they were doing this in the middle of the night, with so little opportunity for the Bradleys to even reach an attorney, one member of the Utah County Sheriff’s department replied, “Well, we don’t usually deal with nice folks like you.”

Annie was booked into jail and held on $10,000 bail.While the image of her arrest might seem dramatic, the facts surrounding her arrest are even more bizarre. Annie Bradley wasn’t arrested, as it turns out, because she’s suspected of committing some violent crime. The barrage of law enforcement officers didn’t surround her house to execute an arrest warrant because she’s suspected of some kind of drug involvement or some other dangerous crime.

Annie Bradley was arrested because she and her husband have been caught up in a political battle related to the Utah Department of Commerce.

Read the Full Story on FreeCapitalist Daily >>>http://daily.freecapitalist.com.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thank You God For The Lesson

A wonderful video on Ideal relationships.

Become a Generous Giver and Excellent Receiver

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Online Personal Development - Jeremy Henderson Eric Walker

A great example of teamwork. People make a difference in their life for the Good.

join us and build your finances in the process

Update on Evangelist April Mason's Friend

Greetings, First, let me say thank you all for your prayers they are so appreciated. As, I finished teaching at the Broken But Not Bound service tonight (thank you all for coming out) Continue to send up prayers! I'm just sick of the enemy! If you are in the Atlanta area they are airing the info on Fox 5. Evangelist April
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Friday, August 29, 2008

April Mason issues Urgent Prayer Request Pass it On and Pray

I just received this email message from April Mason. Pass it on

Once again the enemy is busy. Please pray that my friend Chastity in Atlanta returns home safely. She has been missing since 10 am yesterday morning. Saints please pray that she returns home safely. My heart is very heavy right now and I know this is the enemies way of trying to get me off focus for tonight’s Broken But Not Bound event. Ya’ll keep me up lifted as well, I didn’t get any sleep.

Evangelist April

Yahoo! Mail - webmaster@hudsonliberty.com
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Thursday, August 28, 2008


What are we going to do about the Moral Compass of the World? Don Harrold gives a very good break down on the break down in the American culture. What are your views?

Make Money every 15 minutes.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

PT Profile - The Passion Test

The Passion Test Profile - ResultsHere are the results of your Passion Test Profile. Read through the results carefully to see where you are aligned with your passions and where there is still room for growth.To get a copy of The Passion Test book so you can discover your top passions and learn to align your life more closely with them, go to:www.mypassiontest.comYou'll discover there are some pretty amazing gifts waiting for you there as well!Question 1:I am excited about my life and turned on by the things I get to do each day.Your Answer:NeverYou have been denying your deepest heart's desires. You may have told yourself that you are doing what you're doing for your family, or to make the money you need to do what you love some day, or for some higher purpose.In the meantime, you are miserable and just getting through each day. When someone asks you what you are passionate about, you probably feel numb, and can't even think of anything.You are at a critical turning point in your life. You need to take The Passion Test as soon as you can and begin making decisions based on what you care about.The good news is that it doesn't have to be hard, or take a long time. You will probably need to take The Passion Test frequently even every day for the first few weeks or so, because you are not used to thinking about what it is you really love. But each time you take The Test, you will go more deeply within and you will have a clearer idea of what matters most to you. After a few weeks you'll discover that the list of your top five passions are fairly stable.You may have some old habits that persist for a while. It takes about 21 days to create new habits. Just commit yourself to choosing in favor of your top five passions from your Passion Test, and your life will begin to shift. You will find you are happy and enjoying your life more and more all the time.This is your time! Question 1:I am excited about my life and turned on by the things I get to do each day.Your Answer:RarelyYou've been denying your heart's desires. You have probably had good reasons: you are supporting your family, or raising your children, or making the money you think you need to do what you love some day.In the meantime, you're pretty miserable. Life is a drudgery. Every once in a while there is a little ray of light, but for the most part, life sucks.It's time for that to change. You took this profile because you know that. Get The Passion Test today and go through the process of identifying your top five passions. Then begin making your decisions based on the things you've identified are the most important in your life.Take this profile again in six months and see how your experience of life has transformed. You deserve to live a life of joy and fulfillment. Use The Passion Test as your user manual to move your experience into that kind of life.Question 1:I am excited about my life and turned on by the things I get to do each day.Your Answer:SometimesYou are torn between the desire to follow your heart and your beliefs about what you think you HAVE to do. You may feel that you can't do what you love because you have responsibilities, or others who need your help, or because you need money. These are all beliefs that are keeping you separated from joy and fulfillment.You may find yourself doing things so you can convince yourself that you are a good person. So you sacrifice your own needs and desires to serve others, because that's what good people do.The reality is that the greatest gift you can give to anyone is being filled with joy. When you are doing things out of sense of duty, or responsibility, rather than out of a sense of joy, how do you feel?Do you get irritated, frustrated, and short-tempered? Do you take your unhappiness out on those around you?If this is the case, are you really serving anyone else? The truth is, if you don't feel joy in caring for others, in looking after them, or supporting them, than you are doing a disservice to yourself and to them.When you do what is best for you, you are simultaneously doing what is best for others. When you clarify the things that mean most to you in your life, and then make your choices based on what will allow you to align your life with those things, then you will not only enjoy your life more yourself, but others will also enjoy being around you.You are at a turning point. This is your chance to permanently shift your life in the direction of joy and fulfillment. All it requires is making the commitment.The first step is to get The Passion Test book and go through this simple, yet powerful process for aligning your life with the things that mean most to you.You may find there some old habits which have to change. It takes about 21 days to create a new habit. So, begin now, and use The Passion Test as your user's manual to create a whole new life for yourself. Question 1:I am excited about my life and turned on by the things I get to do each day.Your Answer:Most of the timeYou have been waking up to the reality that only following your passions will bring you the fulfillment you deserve in your life. Now it's just a matter of having the courage to go full out.It can be scary sometimes to choose in favor of your passions. You can't know what will happen or how things will turn out. But you live in an abundant, loving universe which is ready to support you in every way.The key now is to notice. Notice when thoughts arise that create unhappiness or dissatisfaction. When you notice, turn those thoughts around and begin to consciously create the life you choose to live.Notice when you are making choices that do not support our heart's desires, and be gentle with yourself. Living your passions is a process. It's enough to notice and as you do, each new decision will become more aligned with your true passions.We learn from our experiences in life. The key is learning to trust that things really will come together in a way supports your joy and deepening experience of life.You are well on your way. You may find The Passion Test process to be a valuable tool to help you take those final steps. It will help you identify those parts of your life that are very important, yet are still not 100% congruent, just as it did for Jack Canfield.Afer taking The Passion Test, Jack realized there was a part of his life that was very important that he hadn't been giving near enough attention to, and he said, taking The Passion Test, it "changed the way I've lived my life this past year."Congratulations for coming this far. We are here to support your journey when you need it as you step into the life you were meant to live.Question 1:I am excited about my life and turned on by the things I get to do each day.Your Answer:All the timeYou have learned one of the most important lessons of life: When you choose in favor of your passions, life becomes an ongoing miracle. Congratulations for making decisions that allow you to give your special and unique gifts.Now you have the opportunity to look more deeply. The Passion Test is such a valuable tool because it allows anyone to see anywhere in their life that is not yet completely aligned with the things they love the most.Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, was just like you when he took The Passion Test for the first time. His life was on fire, he loved what he was doing and looking forward to each new day.When he took The Passion Test, it confirmed that he was inded aligned with the things he loved the most, and it also showed him there was one area that he had been completely ignoring. He realized that for years he had wanted to be part of a spiritual leaders' network and it was no where to be found in his life.As a result, six months later he founded the Transformational Leadership Council which today is composed of over 100 top speakers, authors and teachers. Chris and Janet Attwood are founding members of TLC and other members include many stars of "The Secret", Rev. Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, James Ray, Bill Harris, Marci Shimoff, John Gray, John Assaraf, among others.What will your Passion Test reveal to you? Whatever it is, keep doing what you're doing and remember that "what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life."Question 2:Others comment on how happy I am and what fun it is to be around me.Your Answer:NeverThere are two possible things going on here. Either you are denying yourself the things you really love, or you are naturally an inward-directed person.If the latter is the case, then you love spending time by yourself. Your life is characterized by a deep inner peace. The life of a monk or a nun is very appealing to you. You may enjoy long periods of reflection or meditation, and you don't need a lot of outer stimulation to be happy.If this does not describe your life, then something else is going on. You are caught in the illusion that you can't do the things you love for one reason or another. Maybe you think you can't make a living from your passions. Or maybe you have the idea that following your passions would be irresponsible.Whatever the concepts are, they are keeping you from your joy. It's no accident you love the things you love and as long as you continue to believe you can't do what you love, you will be more and more miserable.Fortunately, the solution is easily accessible. Take The Passion Test to identify the things you care most about, and then begin choosing in favor of those things, whenever you're faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity.The odds are the people you spend time with are not very happy with their lives either. If you really want to shift into experience more joy and fulfillment then you have to surround yourself with people who will support you in following your passions.Give copies of The Passion Test to your family and friends. Create a group who practices applying the principles of living a passionate life. If the people you spend time with aren't able or willing to make the shift, then hang out with different people.This is your time. It's your time to wake up to the reason you were put on this earth. You have unique and special gifts which no one but you can give. Use The Passion Test to begin discovering your passions and start living the life of fulfillment you deserve.Question 2:Others comment on how happy I am and what fun it is to be around me.Your Answer:RarelyIf you are a very inner-directed person, then it's not surprising that not many people make comments because you don't spend much time with other people. You are at peace and you prefer to be alone.However, if this does not describe you, then something else is going on. You have been denying yourself the things that matter most to you. You have been holding on to beliefs that are keeping you separated from the joy you were meant to have in this life.Those beliefs may be that you can't earn a living following your passions. Or they could be that you have responsibilities that don't allow you to do what you love. Or you might be thinking you're too old or too young or you don't know enough or you're not experienced enough.None of these are true. Look around and you will find lots of evidence of people who have followed their passions with far more challenges than you have.All that's required to change your experience of life is to commit yourself to following your passions. Take The Passion Test to clarify what it is that really matters to you. Then begin choosing in favor of those passions, whenever you are faced with a choice a decision or an opportunity.You'll find your life is changing in ways you could never have imagined. And you'll notice that others are commenting on the change as well.Question 2:Others comment on how happy I am and what fun it is to be around me.Your Answer:SometimesYou've begun the journey toward a life of joy and fulfillment. Now it's just a matter of consistency.Take a look at your life. When do you do things because you think you're supposed to do them? When do you beleive you can't do what you really care about because of this or that or the other thing?Take a look and notice when your beliefs keep you separated from the people and things that are truly important to you.The Passion Test will help you identify what it is that really matters to you, right now. The next step is to consciously choose in favor of those things when you are faced with choices in your life.Following your passions requires commitment. That commitment is born of the knowledge that as long as you put off, or bury, or find reasons not to do what you love, or be with the people you love, you will never live a fulfilled life.When you commit to joy, then you will experience joy.And that doesn't mean it will be a bed of roses. Your commitment will be tested. And when it is, you will come to see what it is that is truly important to you.Question 2:Others comment on how happy I am and what fun it is to be around me.Your Answer:FrequentlyConsciously or unconsciously you have realized that the path to fulfillment is making the things that matter most to you a priority in your life.Joy can't be contained. Whether you want it to or not, it just bubbles over and others are affected by it.That's why you get those comments. We're all connected and we all affect each other.Now, just ask yourself, are there some times that you still do things because you think you're supposed to do them? Are there any areas of your life where you still hold yourself back?Take The Passion Test and you may find, just as Jack Canfield did, that even though you are living many of your pasisons, there are still some areas that have been ignored.Use The Passion Test to get clear about you love, and Score Your Passions to see what things that matter to you have not been getting the attention they deserve.Then continue the habit of choosing in favor of your passions whenever you're faced with choices, decisions, and opportunties, and you will find that it just keeps getting better all the time.Question 2:Others comment on how happy I am and what fun it is to be around me.Your Answer:All the time"Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things to it." - His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh YogiYou have discovered the secret of chooing in favor of the things that matter most to you in your life. People love to be around you. You find opportunities in every experience.If you have down days, you don't take them too seriously. You know they will pass and there is nothing that can keep you from doing the things you love.When you take The Passion Test you won't be surprised to find that you are living many of your top passions. But if you're like Jack Canfield, you may discover there is one or more areas in your life that you have been forgettting about.Jack is the author of "The Success Principles." He teaches people how to create success in their lives. Here's what he said about gong through The Passion Test process:"When I did the work on discovering your passion with Chris and Janet in a workshop, I didn't expect that much to happen because I am already living my passion -- teaching others about how to become more successful. However, their powerful process took me to an even deeper place where I realized I was not spending enough time with my true, number one passion, my family! That realization and the other work they did with me, has changed the way I have lived the past year."You know the power, and the fulfillment, that comes from being connected to the things you love most. You may discover, as Jack did, that there is still opportunity to expand the joy in your life. Question 3:I get upset and thrown off track when unexpected situations and circumstances arise.Your Answer:RarelyYou have an easiness and comfort with yourself and your environment that others only wish for. You have the wisdom to see that change can be good and that staying open allows you to discover that good.On those rare occasions when you get thrown off track, notice the beliefs that are causing you to think that things should be other than the way they are.These are things which cause your unhappiness, nothing on the outside.One of the most powerful tools we know for undoing the beliefs that cause suffering is The Work of Byron Katie (www.thework.com). Through a simple process of investigation, with just four questions and what Katie calls "the turnaround," you can unravel the attachment to beliefs which don't serve you. With this, you will find yourself enjoying each new phase of life, whether you were expecting it or not.Congratulations for already being so open to the gifts which are appearing in your life. You are on well along the path of living a passionate, fulfilled life.Question 3:I get upset and thrown off track when unexpected situations and circumstances arise.Your Answer:AlwaysYou love safety and security. You've done your best to organize your life so that you can depend on the people and things in it.The problem is that you can't control your life. Things are always changing. There is no dependable security on the outside.Until you discover the source of stability and fulfillment inside of you, there will always be the danger that your life will be turned upside down. Real security comes only when nothing can happen that can disturb the inner peace and fulfillment you experience.Albert Einstein once said the most important question you can ask is, "Is this a friendly universe?"As long as you believe that it's not, you will find the evidence to support your belief all around you. But you know what's interesting? People who come to believe the universe is friendly find the evidence for that all around them too.You have a choice. You can look for the danger and challenges in every situation, or you can look for the gifts and opportunities. Whichever you look for, you will discover that.One of the key principles of living a passionate life is "Staying Open." Life will not appear the way you think it should. There is a bigger, grander plan for your life than you can even imagine.So, look for the gifts in your life and you will discover change is much easier to take.Question 3:I get upset and thrown off track when unexpected situations and circumstances arise.Your Answer:NeverYou are "in the flow." You are open to the gifts that life has to bring. There is always a greater good than anything you can imagine, and your steadiness allows it to come to you.You are the anchor for those around you. By remaining open you have the ability to discover opportunities others miss. Your adaptablity gives you the advantage of being able to respond quickly and appropriately.When you are faced with choices, remember to choose in favor the things that matter most to you, even in the face of others' judgments."Clarity is power." - T. Harv EkerClarity is the power to create what you choose to have in your life. The Passion Test will give you that clarity to respond appropriately to every situation you may face. Question 3:I get upset and thrown off track when unexpected situations and circumstances arise.Your Answer:SometimesYou are holding on to your concepts of the way things should be. As long as circumstances fit with your view of reality, you're fine. But when reality doesn't match the way your view, you are thrown off track."When you argue with reality, you lose, and only all of the time."- Byron KatieWhen you notice that you are arguing with reality, stop. Take a break. It's no fun banging your head against a brick wall. You can never win when you try to convince yourself that things should be other than the way they are. This is simply the path to misery and unhappiness.When you hold on to the way you think things should be, you will feel contracted, shut down, closed. These feelings are just the signal that it's time to be kind to yourself, to be gentle with yourself.There is no need to be any way other than the way you are. Breathe deeply and feel the feelings that come up. When those feelings settle down, do those things which allow you to feel more expanded, more open. Listen to music, go for a walk, work out, dance, read a good book.And when you are ready to look at the beliefs which have caused your unhappiness, use The Work of Byron Katie (www.thework.com). Katie's simple process of investigation is the most powerful tool we know for undoing the thoughts which cause anyone to suffer.Through her four questions and what she calls "the turnaround," you will come to see that what you held to be so true, so immutable, has another side to it. You will begin to open up to the possiblity that there may be another way of looking at the situation which brings more joy and fulfillment. Question 3:I get upset and thrown off track when unexpected situations and circumstances arise.Your Answer:FrequentlyYou spend a good deal of your time attempting to force your model of reality on the world outside of you. It's hopeless.Life is always changing. It will never appear the way you think it should. As long as you try to impose your will on the world, you will only bring yourself misery and suffering.The key to happiness lies in the recognition that life is your teacher. A certain humility is required. You have to admit that you may not have all the answers.When you begin to let go of your attachment to the way you think things should be, you will discover there is a whole new world waiting for you. It's a world of wonder, of new possibilities.As long as you argue with reality, you will lose, and only 100% of the time. So, when you notice yourself, arguing, stop. Take a break. Allow yourself to feel the feelings that are coming up. When they begin to subside, do things which help you feel more open, more expanded. Take a walk, exercise, listen to music, read a good book.And if you would like to learn how to embrace reality, rather than arguing with it, we recommend The Work of Byron Katie (www.thework.com). In Katie's simple process of investigation, you will discover a new way of looking at the situations and circumstances in your life.You will begin to realize that there may be other ways of looking at things which bring you more joy and cause less pain.The Work is just four simple questions and what Katie calls "the turnaround." Investigate the thoughts which cause unhappiness, and you will step into a world filled with peace and overflowing with delightful surprises, surprises you never would have dreamed were possible before.Question 4:I am very clear about the top five passions in my life, those things that matter most to me.Your Answer:Not at allOdds are, you feel a victim of your life. Others tell you what they need you to do or be, and you feel impelled to respond.You may enjoy parts of your life, but there are big parts you don't enjoy at all. It's likely that you don't love your work, and you are stuck in a 9-5, TGIF world.It's not hard to change this situation. What's required is greater clarity about what really matters to you."When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear."The whole purpose of The Passion Test process is to help you get a level of clarity that you have the power to create whatever you choose to have in your life. You will come to see what your top 5 passsions are and how to keep your life aligned with them.Suffering in life is optional. All that is required is an unwavering commitment to make choices that allow you to align your life with the things that matter most to you.Question 4:I am very clear about the top five passions in my life, those things that matter most to me.Your Answer:A littleYou feel pretty confused about life. You'd like to change your life, but you don't know how. Most of the time you feel pretty beat up and don't know which way to turn.Your beliefs about what you can or can't do, what is or isn't possible, what should or shouldn't be true in your life, have been keeping you in a state of misery.The good news it isn't hard to change that. It mainly requires a firm commitment to make the change.Take The Passion Test and clarify your top five passions, the five things that really matter most to you in your life. Be warned. You may not be used to going deep inside, so be prepared to take the Test a number times over the coming weeks.Keep taking it as long as your top 5 keep changing. Once they become more stable and you end up with the same ones after taking the Test three or four times, then put them on cards where you can see them and refer to them.Make the commitment to yourself that whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, you will ask yourself, "Will making this decision help me come closer to living these five passions, or will it take me farther away?"Sometimes those old beliefs and concepts will pop up again. You won't know what to do, or which way to turn. Don't try. Let go and notice how you feel inside. When you start to feel expanded, excited about a direction, then begin to move in that direction.When you notice you're feeling contracted again, shut down, or unhappy, then stop. Reevaluate. Take a break.Take a look at the thoughts in your mind. Go to www.thework.com, and use Byron Katie's simple process of investigation to examine those thoughts. You will discover there is more than one way to look at anything.Then when you begin to feel expanded and open again, move forward once more. Go step by step, and as you choose in favor of those things which you care most about, you will find your life becomes more and more rich, more and more full of joy.It's Your Time! It's time for you to begin giving your special gifts. No one else can.Question 4:I am very clear about the top five passions in my life, those things that matter most to me.Your Answer:SomewhatYou struggle through life, not knowing what direction will bring you the fulfillment you want. You have some idea of what matters to you, but you are inconsistent in prioritizing those things in your life.As a result, you spend a fair amount of time in regret, wishing you had done things you did not do. You feel guilty frequently. You know life could be richer, but you don't know how to make it so.Clarity is the key to having what you choose to have in life."When you are clear, what you want will show up and only to the extent you are clear."The Passion Test will give you the clarity that you presently lack. Take the Test frequently in the beginning until your top five don't change much each new time you take it.Then beginning using these top five passions as a filter to guide you in choices you make in your life. When you have a decision to make, ask yourself, "Will this help me be more aligned with my passions, or will it take me farther away from them?As you make small choices, day by day, you will begin to see your life changing. It may be almost imperceptible at first, but with time, you will discover that you are living a passionate, purposeful life, without much trying.Question 4:I am very clear about the top five passions in my life, those things that matter most to me.Your Answer:Quite clearYour life is on track and moving in the direction of your dreams. You have learned the value of following your heart. You pay attention to what adds to your happiness.You've taken time for self-reflection. You give yourself permission to do things that you enjoy. You embrace your life and are ready for more good to come to you.Your biggest challenge is deciding where to put your attention. Your opportunity is to gain an even greater level of clarity so it becomes easy for you to make decisions and choices in your life.It's no accident that you found your way to The Passion Test. This is just the tool you need to create the clarity that's been missing. This simple process will help you discover which of all the things you love are most important to you and with that, you will have a tool for guiding your decisions and choices.Your life is getting fuller all the time. Now is your chance to take it to another level.Question 4:I am very clear about the top five passions in my life, those things that matter most to me.Your Answer:Crystal clearYour life is full and purposeful. You have a clear sense of direction. You know what you want and you are creating that.Opportunities abound in your life. Your biggest challenge is choosing between them. Others want to be around you and you receive offers and invitations all the time.You enjoy success in the most important parts of your life. Whether it's in your relationships, your health, your financial life, or your career, others see you as a model to emulate.Because of your clarity, you might think you don't need to take The Passion Test. If that's the case, remember the experience of Jack Canfield. He's just like you, successful, happy, on fire and living his passions.Yet, each time Jack has taken The Passion Test he has gained new insights which have allowed him to create even more joy in his life. We predict that will be your experience as well.Congratulations on creating a life worth living. Continue the process of increasing clarity as you choose in favor of the things that matter most to you and you will be amazed that just when you thought it couldn't get any better, it does.Question 5:I make decisions based on what will help me live my passions most fully.Your Answer:NeverLife has been rough for you. You have denied the things that matter most to you in order to please others, or because you've been taught you can't have everything.You feel like a victim of the situations and circumstances in your life. You may feel bitter, angry, or just depressed. You experience life as difficult and you are waiting for others to change.The path you are on will never lead to fulfillment. You have the power to change the direction of your life and it will take a commitment to changing the beliefs that have led you to where you are today.It begins by getting clear about what matters most to you in your life. This is the purpose of The Passion Test process. You are not used to looking within, so expect to take The Test many times over the coming weeks and months.In the beginning, you'll find your top five passions change and shift. Keep taking The Test and each time you will go more deeply into what it is you truly care about. As that happens, there will come a point where your top five seem to be more stable.From that point, keep your top five passions where you can see them, and whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, ask yourself if this decision will help you live your passions more fully or take you farther away from them.If you find you're unable to choose in favor of the things on your Passion list, then something else is more important to you than what you wrote down. This is the sign to take The Test again and clarify what it is that really matters to you.You are here for a purpose. You have special gifts to give. It's your time to begin giving those gifts. The Passion Test will help you get started.Question 5:I make decisions based on what will help me live my passions most fully.Your Answer:RarelyLife has not been easy for you. You have done your best to make others happy at the cost of the things you care most about.You have felt bound and constricted by the commitments you've made and the expectations of others. You may even have thought sometimes that it was just too much to continue.Now you are ready for that to change. That's why you came to this website. You may feel discouraged and not very hopeful, but you are here.It is possible for your experience to change dramatically, and it doesn't have to take a long time. It doesn't require jumping off a cliff. You don't have to quit your job or abandon your family to begin following your passions.You just have to get clear about what it is that is really, truly important to you. That's what The Passion Test is for.Your first step to a new life is going through The Passion Test to discover your top five passions, the things that matter most to you.After that, it's using these five passions as the basis for making your choices and decisions. When old fears raise their heads, when you find yourself choosing to do things, not because you love doing them, but because you feel you have to, then use The Work of Byron Katie (www.thework.com) to unravel those limiting beliefs.You have the power to change your life. It just begins with the commitment to make choices that bring you closer to the things you love. It begins now.Question 5:I make decisions based on what will help me live my passions most fully.Your Answer:SometimesYou've wanted to change your life, but it hasn't been easy. You still feel bound by responsibilities and other people's expectations.Have you noticed that when you make choices in favor of your passions, the things you really care about that you feel so much better?That's because that is the direction that will bring you the greatest fulfillment. The unhappiness you feel when you make choices that don't reflect your heart's desires is there to tell you this direction is not the right one for you.Yet, all of us have been so indoctrinated into certain beliefs about what we're "supposed to do" that it is often hard to choose for things that go against those beliefs.This is your time. It's time to step into a new life of joy and fulfillment. It's no accident you love the things you love. It's no accident you care about the things you care about.These are the things that will lead you to fulfill your unique and special purpose. The first step is to clarify what it is you care most deeply about.Take The Passion Test and discover your top five passions. Then use these as your basis for decision making. Whenever you are faced with a choice, ask yourself, "Will this help me be more aligned with my passions, or will it take me farther away from them?"You are immensely powerful. You have the power to create the kind of life you have always wanted to live. This is the time.Question 5:I make decisions based on what will help me live my passions most fully.Your Answer:Most of the timeYour life has been getting better and better as you have increasingly based your decisions on the things that matter most to you. It's still hard sometimes because others have their own expectations, but you have been making progress.If you haven't already, surround yourself with people who will support you in following your heart's desires. The world is filled with people who don't think it's possible to follow one's passions and still meet your responsibilities.Those people won't help you live a happier, more joy-filled life.Find the people who know that life is meant to enjoy. Find the people who will help you make it through those times when you have doubts or disappointments. Find those people who will make it easier, not harder, to make the difficult choices that lead you to the kind of life you deserve to live.Taking The Passion Test will help you get even greater clarity. Use The Test to clarify your top five passions and then use these to support your decision making.Go to The Passion Test web site (www.thepassiontest.com) and participate in the Passion Test Forum to connect with others who are also traveling this path.None of us can do it on our own. We all need support. We need people who will reinspire us when we get discouraged.You are on the right path. Stick to it, and you will find yourself living the kind of life you have always dreamed of.Question 5:I make decisions based on what will help me live my passions most fully.Your Answer:All the timeYou are living an extraordinary life. You do the things you love and you have made the commitment to follow your heart when tough choices arise.You are model for others and part of your role in the world is to inspire others to live the life they were meant to live.Taking The Passion Test will be fun for you. Even though you have been making choices that favor the things you are most passionate about, the odds are you will find some surprises.Even the most passionate people who have taken The Test have discovered one or two areas of their life that they really care about that haven't been getting much attention.You may even find that you have a gift for inspiring others to live their passions. If that's the case, we encourage you to consider becoming a certified Passion Test facilitator (www.passiontest.com/cert).Teaching others the principles of living a passionate life is one of the most fulfilling activities for someone who knows that value of following your passions.But however it is expressed, your life is a model of what it means to live a full life. As you choose in favor of those things that matter most to you, you will be showing others what is possible for them as well.Question 6:I spend my days doing things I love, surrounded by people I love.Your Answer:NeverThe theme is the same. You have been denying yourself the life you deserve to live. The beliefs and concepts you acquired along the way have kept you disconnected from what's most important to you.But that is going to change now. It doesn't have to be hard. It just requires your sincere intention for things to change in your life.In the past you've gotten discouraged, even depressed, and then you withdraw from the world. That's OK. That's what you needed to get you to this point.Now it's time to get clear about what really matters to you and begin making choices that support you in giving your special gifts.The first step is to take The Passion Test. Read the book, and then go to The Passion Test Online at www.passiontestonline.com. You'll be asked to make a $2 donation to support others in need, then over the next 30 days go through all the exercises in the Passion Test Online. Create your Passion Plan and print it out.Take the Passion Test again and again in the coming weeks. Take it until your top five don't change much each new time you take The Test. Then use these five as your criteria for the decisions you make in your life.Whenever you have to make a choice, ask yourself, "Will this help me be more aligned or less aligned with my passions?" And if for any reason you can't choose in favor of the things you wrote down, that's the signal that something else is more important to you. Take The Passion Test again and clarify what it is that truly matters to you.You are incredibly powerful. Only your thoughts keep you from knowing that. Be easy on yourself. Be kind to yourself. And accept the help that is coming to you now.Question 6:I spend my days doing things I love, surrounded by people I love.Your Answer:RarelyIt's been hard for you, hasn't it? You have denied yourself in order to make others happy. But how can you ever make others happy when you are not happy?Happiness is like the fragrance from a flower. It radiates and draws all good things to itself. To make others happy, requires becoming happy yourself.Have you ever noticed that it's more fun to be around people who are happy? Becoming happy and radiating that happiness to others is one of the greatest gifts you have to give.The way to become happy is by aligning your life with the things you love, the things you care most about. These are what we call your "passions."The Passion Test is a simple, yet powerful way to discover what those things are. Take The Test, and take it again and again, until your top five passions don't change much.Then begin making decisions in favor of those top five passions. You'll discover your world begins to change.It doesn't require jumping off a cliff. It just requires the commitment to choose in favor of your passions, day by day. As you do this, your life will become more and more joyful, little by little, bit by bit. Until one day you'll wake up and realize that you love your life.Question 6:I spend my days doing things I love, surrounded by people I love.Your Answer:SometimesIt's time to make a decision. You know how good it feels to be doing what you love, surrounded by people you love.You've had a taste. Are you willing to give yourself permission to experience that all the time? It's possible. It's just your choice.The only thing that prevents you from having that wonderful experience every day, all day long, is beliefs that it's not possible. For one reason or another, you have convinced yourself that you can't have joy all the time.Those beliefs aren't true, yet they may seem impossible for you to deny. Can you entertain the possibility that there could be another way of looking at things?One of the best ways to overcome limiting beliefs that keep you separated from a life of joy and fulfillment is to look for evidence that a different perspective could be as true or truer.For example, if you have held the belief that you can't support yourself following your passions, look around and see if there is any evidence you can find of someone who has been able to support themselves with a similar passion.If you have a passion for chatting with others, is there anyone you can think of who has done well with that passion? Oprah Winfrey comes to mind.If you have a passion for baking, has anyone done well with that? Mrs. Fields comes to mind.Even if you think that your passion is unique, can you find evidence that anyone has ever been successful doing what no one had ever done before?You can have a life doing what you love, surrounded by people you love. It begins now. Take The Passion Test, clarify your top passions, then make choices which support you in living those passions fully.Question 6:I spend my days doing things I love, surrounded by people I love.Your Answer:Most of the timeDoesn't it feel great to do what you truly love? Isn't it the best to do it surrounded by people you love and appreciate, and who love and appreciate you.The only question now is, what's keeping it from being 100%? What is holding you back from living this life of joy and fulfillment all the time?There are just some parts of your life where you still lack clarity."When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear." - Chris and Janet Attwood, The Passion TestWhen we aren't completely clear, then we find ourselves going first one direction then another. There are those times when we find ourselves doing things we don't really love, or spending time with people that we don't really enjoy being around.The entire Passion Test process is to help you get crystal clear about what is really important to you. Then, with this clarity, it becomes easy to make decisions that support you in living a full and rich life.You are well on your way. As you take The Passion Test, you'll notice some areas of your life that are very important to you that you have not given much attention to. Now is your chance to begin giving them attention and living a life of joy, all the time.Question 6:I spend my days doing things I love, surrounded by people I love.Your Answer:All the timeIsn't life grand?! There is just nothing better. You have learned the importance of honoring yourself, and making choices that allow you to be surrounded with love.It doesn't mean there aren't still ups and downs. Those are what make life interesting. The important thing to realize is that whether you feel expanded, open, excited, passionate and turned on, or contracted, shut down, disconnected or uncomfortable, neither expansion or contraction are either good nor bad.Each is just a signal. When you feel expanded, this is the signal to go forward, take action, fully engage.When you feel contracted, this is a red light. It's time to stop, take a break, be kind to yourself, take a look at the situation, and go slowly. This is the time to be easy with yourself, and do things which bring you joy.In The Passion Test this is what we call Nature's Guidance System.As you come to see that both expansion and contraction have their role to play in your life, you will soon discover that both have their own joy. Expansion brings the joy of new possiblities, new opportunities. Contraction brings the joy of rest, of taking it easy, of doing things that are fun, just for their own sake.As this realization becomes fully established, what is left is a life of joy, all the time. And this is the way life was meant to be lived.Question 7:Life is confusing for me. I don't have a clear sense of direction in my life.Your Answer:No sense of directionYou have been trying to do what you think you are "supposed" to do instead of what you love to do. You have many reasons why it's not possible to do what you love.As long as there is a tug of war between what you think you "should" do and what you love to do, you will feel divided. Confusion arises from a lack of clarity.When you are not clear about what it is that really matters to you, then you get pulled first in one direction, then another. After some time, it's hard to know what direction to go. Motivation drops, and life isn't much fun.When this happens, you look for ways to dull the pain. Whether through alcohol, food, drugs, or some other diversion, dulling the pain doesn't solve the problem. In fact, these things create their own problems.Relationships become more difficult, your health suffers and what was already bad, gets worse.T. Harv Eker, author of the #1 NY Times bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, says "Clarity is power." Clarity is the power to create what you choose to have in your life.The Passion Test process is a systematic way to go deep inside and clarify what it is that really matters to you. Having done this, you are now in a position to make choices that support you in following your passions.It doesn't require making major life changes all at once. Just by consistently making decisions in favor of the things that matter most to you, your life will begin to shift.You will discover yourself having more fun, you'll begin to feel a sense of purposefulness, and you'll start looking forward to each new day.It doesn't have to be difficult. It just requires getting clear. You have the power to create what you choose to have in your life. Just start from where you are, and begin now. Question 7:Life is confusing for me. I don't have a clear sense of direction in my life.Your Answer:Very little sense of directionYou've been taught all your life what to do to be happy and successful. But when you do the things you've been taught, you are miserable. What's wrong with this picture?When the things you've been told don't bring the promised result, what do you do? What direction do you turn?You find yourself living for Friday and dreading Monday. You find yourself searching for an escape from what has become a humdrum existence.If you've married, then there was some hope and sense of purpose for a while, but then it wasn't enough. Something was missing.The missing piece is the connection to your own heart's longing. Your heart has been trying to tell you the path to fulfillment, but your beliefs about what you "needed" to do have drowned out that voice of passion inside.As a result, life lacks a sense of purposefulness. Purpose arises from being connected to the things you care most deeply about.All that's required to recover that sense of direction is clarity. Take The Passion Test and uncover the passions that lie deep in your heart. Get clear about the things that really matter to you.These are the things that are leading you to fulfill your purpose in life. As long as you deny them, you will feel like you are on a ship without a rudder--first being pushed this way then that way.But when you identify your top five passions, and then begin making choices which allow you to live those things more fully, you will find your life naturally begins to be filled with a sense of purpose.You don't have to try hard. You don't have to wait for lightning to strike and awaken you to your life's purpose. You just have to get clear about what you love, and then align your life with those things.The results will seem almost magical. You will begin to experience things that seem like miracles. And you will be filled with a sense of your personal mission, without even knowing how you got there.You are unique. You have special gifts. No one else can give the world the gifts you have to share. It's your time, now.Question 7:Life is confusing for me. I don't have a clear sense of direction in my life.Your Answer:Some sense of directionYou are at the door of an incredible opportunity. You are ready to step into a new life. You have a sense of it, but it hasn't been completely clear.Now, it's your time. It's time to step into the life you were meant to live. It's time to give your unique gifts.Direction comes from knowing what really matters to you. When you make decisions that bring those closer to you, you feel joy. Life feels good.When you make decisions that take you farther from your passions, the things you care most deeply about, then you feel more and more unhappy.Why is that?What you love and the purpose of your life are completely intertwined. Life is here to enjoy. The loves of your life are the pathway to the fulfillment of your purpose on this earth.As you gain a clearer sense of purpose, you will feel stronger, more complete, more whole. The path of purpose is the path to knowing yourself more fully. The more deeply you know yourself, the more complete you feel.The Passion Test provides a process of gaining clarity about the things that matter most to you. As you go through the exercises, you will gain a greater understanding of who you are.There have been many great ones in the world. Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the list goes on and on. All of them followed their passions. You can never do Gandhi as well as Gandhi did. You can never Mother Theresa as well as she did.And no one can do you as well as you can. All that is required is your commitment to go for it, no matter what anyone else thinks.This doesn't mean you have to abandon everything in your life to follow your passions. It just needs you to clarify your top passions, and then step by step, day by day, make decisions that will support you in living them fully.Question 7:Life is confusing for me. I don't have a clear sense of direction in my life.Your Answer:Pretty clear sense of directionYou feel happy with your life and where you're headed. You are motivated and your sense of direction gives you a feeling of purposefulness.Your biggest challenge is to stay open. Life will not show up the way you think it will. If you hold too tightly to the way you think it should be, you will find yourself beating your head against a brick wall.Create your plans and follow them, and be prepared to be surprised. The best opportunities often arise when the best laid plans go awry.When you are clear about the things that are most important to you, then change can come and go without destroying them. Your passions serve as the filter through which you make decisions and these move you inevitably on to fulfill your purpose.This is why we call The Passion Test, "the effortless path to discovering your destiny." Your destiny will naturally and easily unfold as you choose in favor of the things you love most in your life. After some time you will look back and say, "Wow! My life feels so purposeful and the direction is so clear, yet I hardly did anything."You are creating a rich and rewarding life. It all begins with gaining clarity about what you truly love most--your passions.Question 7:Life is confusing for me. I don't have a clear sense of direction in my life.Your Answer:Very clear sense of directionYou are on fire and know where you are headed. Your life feels meaningful and you look forward to what is coming next.Be alert that you are not holding too tightly to the things you think you want.Staying open is one of the keys to a passionate life. As long as you remain connected to the things you love most, your passions, then change can come and go without throwing you off course.Your passions, the things you care most deeply about, are drawing you on to fulfill your mission in life. You can be sure that things won't show up the way you think they're going to. If you hold on too tightly to your concepts of how you'd like your life to play out, you'll miss the greatest miracles.The way you can tell is when you feel contracted. If things aren't going as you thought they would, you'll feel some reaction--disappointment, frustration, fatigue. This contraction is the sign to take a deeper look.Stay alert, and notice when contraction comes. Treat it as a friend, warning you that continuing in the direction you were going will bring danger. Be easy on yourself in those times. Nothing is needed from you then except to go inside yourself and pay attention to what you are experiencing.There will always be an opportunity, a new direction, or a new idea that will give rise to the wonderful feelings of expansion again. You'll feel excited, turned on, and again feel that sense of purpose. This is the signal it's time to move forward, to take action and continue the journey to fulfill your unique and special role.You know, 80% of the population is lacking that sense of purpose and direction you are blessed with. They have an effect on you. When you meet them, give them a copy of The Passion Test. When you are surrounded by people who support you in living your passions, your life becomes richer, fuller and a lot more fun.This is your time. Take it and enjoy it. By giving your special gifts, you are creating a better, more fulfilling world for all of us.Congratulations! You have completed your Passion Test Profile. What did you discover? It's interesting to examine your life and to see where you are on or off track, isn't it?If you already have The Passion Test book, you may want to create your own Passion Plan by taking the Passion Test Online. for a $2 donation you can have access to the complete program for 30 days and go through the whole Passion Test process. Just go to:www.passiontestonline.com
PT Profile - The Passion Test
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Friday, May 23, 2008

The Dr. and The Cure - For Smoking, Weight Loss, Marriage and the Internet

If you missed last week's show here you go. Dr. Christian is really getting in the grove of bring people to the next level. The show is an hour in length. Click on the banner or book for a wonderful gift.


Leave your comments.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Personal Growth Retreat May 29 to June 1

Insight to hold Personal Growth Retreat led by Robert Davis, Jr. at College of St. Elizabeth JERSEY CITY, NJ – April 11, 2008 - After 6 months of preparation and presentations to the community, Lorenzo Richardson of the Concerned Citizens Coalition is collaborating with Robert Davis, Jr. of Insight Retreats to offer a Personal Growth Retreat to residents of the Tri-State area.The cost of the retreat is only $250.00 for lodging, meals and the retreat with FREE pickup service from the Airport or Major Transportation Locations. The retreat dates are from May 29 to June 1, 2008.Mr. Davis, Director of Insight Retreats, toured the NY / NJ area last September 5th to 12th. He met with ministers, social service representatives, state and local representatives, offering ideas, strategies and solutions to serious issues that plague our youth, parents and communities.Marc. H. Morial, President and CEO of The National Urban League was quoted on the 2008 State of Black America report saying, “By uplifting black women, especially those struggling hardest to keep their families together and their dreams on track, we lift up every American community.” This is the type of work that has become Mr. Davis’ life mission. Saving individuals, families, and communities and breaking the destructive cycles that plague our lives. “We’re taking a proactive leadership role in reversing these negative trends and offering opportunities for people to improve their lives in a significant way. This program focuses on the whole person. Spiritually, physically, emotionally.” says Mr. Davis.“As a servant of God, my family and my community, I’m committed to find solutions that will make life better for the people of Jersey City and elsewhere. I’ve researched Mr. Davis’ program for two years and found it to be superior, life-changing, and cost-effective. I hope states take part in training their social and mental health workers to learn these skills to strengthen families and make people whole again. It’s the best program I’ve ever seen that deals with people’s issues and it’s not another band-aid program.” says Lorenzo Richardson.You can contact Lorenzo Richardson directly for information on the Personal Growth Retreat program.Robert Davis, Jr., is a former Missouri Southern Football Star and Navy Chaplain, now director of Insight, based in Joplin, Missouri. He’s also a character in the Nathan McCall Book: “Makes Me WannaHoller: A Young Black Man in America,” and his high school football team is profiled in the Denzel Washington movie: “Remember the Titans.”About Concerned Citizens Coalition:Founded in 1997, The Concerned Citizens Coalition is a 501(c) 3 non-profit group whose mission is:To promote social, economic, cultural, and educational programs designed to enhance and improve the quality of life amongst inner city residents. We focus on solutions to the problem of violenceagainst our youth.ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION:Lorenzo Richardson(201) 240-4712LRMBA@hotmail.comSource: Concerned Citizens Coalition# # #Attachments Files: InsightRetreatsInfo.pdf InsightRetreatsInfo.pdf (4.1MB) Scan and Save to ComputerDelete Reply Forward Spam Move...Previous | Next | Back to Messages Save Message Text | Full HeadersCheck Mail Compose Search Mail: Search Mail Search the Web Move Options * [New Folder] * 117 * 14 day crusade * 1imall * 1upcashflow * 30day * Autoresponder T... * Clients * Diane Hochman * Feb08events * IWR * Jacqueline Tayl... * NPN * NewTDCWinter2007 * OEM * Oba refunds req... * Otis Collier * PPP * aasap * ac * acn * adbrite * adders * addnewfriends * adspace * adspence * alertpay * asd * avs4you * backpage * backpageads * bbb * birthdays * bizpreneurlazzeo * blackbusinesspace * blackplanet * blendtalk * bliptv * blogradio * blubet * bonusreplies * bradcallen * buckfiftymiracl... * carboncopypro * clickbank * clicksense * clipser * coigen * commenthut * craigslist * craygo * crowdvine * csg * ctxexpo2008 * customermessages * diigo * donaldbrown * dubaimlm * e-junkie * ebooksandtelese... * efs * ehow * ellis * epage * escape * esellerate.net * esurance * exit * famecast * faxzero * financialfreedomws * free-leads.net * freecapitalist * freeiq * freetrafficbar.com * getresponse * grandcentral * happar * healingofafrica * hits2u * hostrequest * hrblock * hubpages * huff * imlive * important * inbox 2 * instant squeeze * iso * jamal mack * justintv * linkedin * logomaker * megamomentum * mentor club * mentors club * messages * millionaire * mme * multiplex * my-webs * my1pna * mypna * mysafelist * na * nancy * ning * nterest approaches * nubian * nubiansurfer * obabulletins * obama * ordersprocessed * otis collier * outlinesales * pplworld * radioannouncments * radioguest * rebates * regnow * removeme * responder.com * respondertel * responses from ... * revolutionmoney... * revver * robert * roberts * safepay * searchbigdaddy * secondlife * selfgrowth * shareasale * simplevoicecenter * socialposter * sof * squidoo * staten * stompernet * streaming * successblueprint * successpatrol * taxes * taxes07 * telebay * thingsneedingat... * ubiee * ucccomputer * umvee * unsubsribe * volunteermatch * wealthreport * wiki * wordtracker * ws * wvsr * zenForward Options * As Inline Text * As AttachmentReply Options * Reply To Sender * Reply To EveryoneAddress Book Shortcuts * Add Contact * Add Category * View Contacts * View Lists * QuickBuilder * Import Contacts * Synchronize * Addresses Options * Addresses HelpCalendar Shortcuts * Add Event * Add Task * Add Birthday * Day * Week * Month * Year * Event List * Reminders * Tasks * Sharing * Synchronize * Calendar Options * Calendar HelpNotepad Shortcuts * Add Note * Add Folder * View Notes * Notepad Options * Notepad HelpAdvanced Search * Advanced SearchCopyright © 1994-2008 Yahoo! 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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Welcome To DR Dr. Can You Help Me

This site official site of the Dr. Dr. Can You Help Me show. Please feel free to leave you comments and make sure you subscribe to keep up to date.