
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac: A Symptom, Not a Disease

Are you ready for the Financial Crisis that is looming? Get your financial ducks in a row. Start receiving more cash

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rogue Agency Arrests Stay-at-Home Utah Mom

FCD Alpine News
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PRESS RELEASEContact: info@freecapitalist.com
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September 8, 2008
Rogue Agency Arrests Stay-at-Home Utah Mom ALPINE, UT
| September 8, 2008 |

Imagine you’re Annie Bradley, a married stay-at-home mother of eight. Two weeks before your 43rd birthday, its 9:00 pm and you’re sitting down with your husband and two house guests discussing a very difficult topic—the sale of your home. Uncharacteristically, your seventeen year-old daughter interrupts the discussion with a stunned look on her face, informing you that police and federal agents are surrounding your house.

An armed Sheriff’s deputy has followed closely behind her and now stands before you asking, “Are you Anna L. Bradley?”The scene in the Bradley’s neighborhood Tuesday was much like something you might expect to see on the big screen, or read about in one of those hard to believe mystery novels. But for Annie, her husband Randy and their eight children, it was a very real nightmare.“I begged them not to take her,” explains her husband. He couldn’t understand why law enforcement was at his house in the middle of the night, demanding $10,000 cash for bail, or they were going to be taking his wife.

At 9 o’ clock in the evening, when banks and businesses are closed, it’s close to impossible for an average family to come up with that kind of cash.So, at approximately 9:41 pm, after local agents from the Utah County Sheriff’s office, accompanied by at least two federal agents, had surreptitiously surrounded the family’s home and afterwards made quite a scene for the neighborhood, law enforcement agents placed Annie Bradley under arrest, handcuffed her, and led her the long way across the front lawn, in front of inquiring neighbors, stunned house guests, her confused and bewildered husband, and perhaps most difficult, in front of her sobbing children.When asked why they were doing this in the middle of the night, with so little opportunity for the Bradleys to even reach an attorney, one member of the Utah County Sheriff’s department replied, “Well, we don’t usually deal with nice folks like you.”

Annie was booked into jail and held on $10,000 bail.While the image of her arrest might seem dramatic, the facts surrounding her arrest are even more bizarre. Annie Bradley wasn’t arrested, as it turns out, because she’s suspected of committing some violent crime. The barrage of law enforcement officers didn’t surround her house to execute an arrest warrant because she’s suspected of some kind of drug involvement or some other dangerous crime.

Annie Bradley was arrested because she and her husband have been caught up in a political battle related to the Utah Department of Commerce.

Read the Full Story on FreeCapitalist Daily >>>http://daily.freecapitalist.com.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thank You God For The Lesson

A wonderful video on Ideal relationships.

Become a Generous Giver and Excellent Receiver